OTH Magazine Feature Article

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  • The Classic Pianist Enchanting Audiences Around the World

    There is something captivating and timeless about a classical pianist. They are the epitome of musical refinement, possessing artistry that can transport listeners to another time and place. While there are many different types of pianists, classical pianists have a certain magic about them that is undeniable. This is what makes Canadian-American Concert Pianist and Recording Artist Ludovic Zamor, a musician you need to know.

  • Westbury Theater to host acclaimed pianist Ludovic Zamor

    Celebrated piano virtuoso Michel-Ange Ludovic Zamor will perform at The Space at the Westbury Theater on May 21 in Westbury, N.Y. The event kicks off Zamor’s highly anticipated tour, and is another highlight in the musician’s illustrious career. Learning piano at the age of three, Zamor made his debut at Carnegie Hall at just 18 years old. He has since gone on to perform in countless recitals and study under greats such as renowned pianist, composer, and lecturer Avraham Sternklar. Now, he brings his gifts back to Westbury, where it all began all those years ago. Tickets for Zamor’s May 21 performance are available here, and learn more about the artist in the interview below.

  • The Extraordinary Classic Pianist

    Classical pianists have the ability to transcend music-making and touch people's hearts and souls. Whether playing a formal concert or accompanying a singer, their skill with the instrument can create an unforgettable experience. This is why people flock to hear Canadian-American Concert Pianist and Recording Artist Michel-Ange Ludovic Zamor.