Ludovic Zamor is a renowned and passionate Canadian American Concert Pianist and Recording Artist known for his unique talent and unrivaled performances. Taught by his father, he began to learn music theory, tonal harmony, and the piano at the age of 3. He proceeded with learning and performing at the age of 7 with Performance Major and Music Historian Karen Femia at the Frank & Camille's School of Music, where he did his first solo recital.

At the age of 13, Zamor won the First Place Price in New York's inter- scholastic music in high school in the German composer's category, playing all movements of Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata. At the age of 18, he appeared at Carnegie Hall, Debuted at the Weill Recital Hall, and climbed the ranks to become a celebrated expert and inspiration to many. In his current status as a VIP guest, he makes regular appearances at Steinway Events and Steinway Hall for grand unveilings such as the Steinway Spirio and multi-million dollar art case pianos.

Zamor has appeared on public performances with Concert Pianist and Professional Adjudicator Joe Graziose, on interpretations of Bach Preludes and Fugues, on Liszt Ètudes d'exécution transcendante d'aprés Paganini, on Liszt Concert Etudes, and performance technique. His curiosity and desire to explore this field then led him to specialize in the Romantic Era. He is a pupil of the great Maestro Avaraham Sternklar. Their master pupil lineage traces back from Stoyomann and goes further back to Busoni, Liszt and Beethoven! Goal-oriented individual with an undying love for music, he enjoys walking through the rough path to perfect his skills. His philosophy revolves around obsession because he believes that being obsessed and absorbed in one's passion always works magic.